Good Intentions Gone Wrong!

Dr. Crapo: I was born about the time fluoride toothpaste hit Canada – late fifties, early sixties. When the T.V. ads hit the air, we couldn’t believe you’d go to the dentist and only have one cavity. Finally, it was the in thing by the time I was ten to make the switch to a fluoride toothpaste. By that time, I’d had teeth pulled because of decay and abscessing. Fortunately, they were only baby teeth, so when my permanents came in, I resolved to take better care. Well, like all good intentions, I’d get caught up in this or that and there would go my resolutions. I did make it to my adult years with all my teeth, albeit I have my share of root canals and, huge fillings and crowns. About two years ago I had a crown break off a root canaled tooth because of decay. I was just not careful and by the time I saw the dentist, the decay had completely spread under the crown. When the hygienist was cleaning my teeth, the crown was loose. She let me and the dentist know and before long he gave me the prognosis that the crown was lost. He had me come back but said he couldn’t promise that the tooth was strong enough to put a new crown on it. I went back hoping against hope but to my fears, the decay had travelled down the root too far to be strong enough for a new crown. He said the tooth would have to come out. Right there on the spot I couldn’t go through with it, so I said I can’t have it out – I’m just not prepared. He said he could get rid of the decay and put a cap filling down the roots and just up to the gum line. I said ok because I wasn’t prepared to do anything at the time. It’s my lower left back tooth and chewing isn’t the same. He said I might be able to get an implant but wasn’t sure. I’d really like that tooth back, can an implant be put in?
There are many things to be considered in answering your request. Why did the tooth start to decay when good procedures were put in place to save it i.e. crowning, root canaling? Is your bite causing stress that’s excessive, thus loosening the crown making it susceptible to bacterial invasion? Your diet, your cleaning – these are questions to be answered before you spend your money.
The answer is yes – the root can be removed and an implant placed immediately. In three months, you can start the process to have a new crown on that implant. This is a very predictable and successful procedure but answering the above questions will ensure that the procedure is not only successful but long lasting as well. If we can help, we’d like to. Call 778-410-2080 for a consultation. Based on actual patient cases.