Thirty Years is a Long Time
Dr.Crapo As a young teen I had a very bad experience with dentists and it has made me irrationally afraid of them. When someone brings up anything dentists or teeth, I break out in a cold sweat. I have even neglected myself – so much so that I haven’t seen a dentist for thirty years. The only reason I’m trying to address my tooth problems now is that I can’t smile or even open my mouth to speak because my front teeth move when I talk. The point is I really can’t socialize or hold a job, I’m so self conscious. In all of this I took the first step and went to the dentist and fortunately got put out so they could clean my teeth and get the x-rays and molds they needed. I must say I didn’t have a bad experience so I went back to hear the bad news. My upper teeth are worse and they have to come out. I was informed that I have very little bone for implants because I’ve got gum and bone disease that has eaten away at the bone and also some abscesses that have destroyed lots of bone around many of my roots. I was told I don’t have a good palate for a denture and because my bone level will be very minimal when the teeth come out it may not stay in very well. The lower teeth have gum and bone problems but most can be saved if I bridge a few gaps and then get the hygienist to clean my teeth and help me keep them clean between visits. I don’t want a denture but how can I avoid it?
If you know what you want and have the determination to get there, almost anything can be done to provide you with a solid tooth solution. Careful 3-D x-rays can help immensely. They can reveal where there is adequate bone, if only one or two implants can be placed. Other areas of bone loss can be grafted. This can be done at the same appointment and a denture can be made in advance, that can be fitted and inserted, so that you are not without teeth. If there is significant grafting you’ll go through a six or nine month waiting period for the bone to be ready for additional implants. When the bone is ready, additional implants can be placed so that your denture can be used and modified to attach to your implants. In this operation, the plastic palate of your denture is removed and the denture is converted into a temporary bridge. That bridge will function for at least three months, when it then will be replaced by a permanent stronger bridge, that will give you very good service for many years to come.
If we can help, we’d like to. Call 778-410-2080 for a consultation.
Based on actual patient cases.