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Effective Root Canal Treatment in Victoria

For many patients, the mere mention of a root canal can cause anxiety and fear as they recall horror stories from older relatives about the pain they experienced. With such a horrible reputation, it’s no wonder that so many people are terrified of the procedure. Let’s set the record straight; modern advances in endodontics have made this anxiety entirely unfounded. If you’re looking for root canal treatment in Victoria, reach out to the team at Dr. Crapo & Associates. Our dentists will ensure you receive the highest level of care throughout the entire procedure.


What’s a root canal?

A root canal is a procedure in which a dentist removes infected pulp (nerve) inside of a tooth to prevent it from having to be extracted. If left untreated, infections can cause abscesses to form in your mouth. This can spread to other areas of your mouth and eventually the rest of your body.

Signs you need root canal therapy

Here are some telltale signs that indicate you need root canal treatment:


  • Sensitivity towards hot and cold foods

  • Tenderness in gums

  • A large cavity in your tooth

  • Foul odour in your mouth

  • Severe toothache

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, contact the team at Dr. Crapo & Associates as soon as possible.


Benefits of root canal therapy

Although root canal therapy may sound like a daunting procedure, it’s a common dental treatment that offers a wide range of benefits, including:


  • Relieves pain. If you have an infected tooth, you may experience severe pain and discomfort that can impact your daily life. A root canal can help alleviate this pain by removing the infected pulp and nerve tissue from your tooth, eliminating the source of the pain.


  • Stops the spread of infection. If left untreated, a dental infection can spread to other areas of your mouth, such as the jawbone, soft tissues and facial spaces, causing serious health complications. A root canal removes the bacteria causing the infection, preventing it from spreading and allowing your mouth to heal.


  • Preserves your tooth. A root canal preserves your natural tooth structure, which is essential for maintaining good oral health. After the procedure, your dentist will restore your tooth with a filling or crown, which not only looks natural but also provides protection against further decay or damage. This ensures that your tooth remains functional and esthetically pleasing, enhancing your overall smile.


What to expect

The root canal therapy process begins with an X-ray. This helps your dentist examine the root of the problem and determine the best course of action. Once they’ve determined the right approach, they’ll arrange a day for the appointment that works for you.


On the day of the procedure, the dentist will use a local anesthetic to numb the infected tooth, ensuring the procedure is as painless as possible. If you’re feeling particularly anxious about the treatment, our clinic also offers IV sedation to alleviate any stress.


Then, the dentist will continue with the procedure. First, they’ll create an opening in the crown of the tooth and use small instruments to remove the infected or damaged pulp from the root canals. Once the canals have been thoroughly cleaned, the dentist will fill them with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha and seal the opening in the crown with a temporary filling.

What comes after?

After the treatment, you may experience slight tooth sensitivity, but this can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. The dentist may also recommend a crown to strengthen your tooth and prevent further damage.

Steps to prevent root canal procedure in future

You can minimize your chances of undergoing a root canal treatment in future by following good oral hygiene practices such as:


  • Brushing and flossing regularly

  • Using protective mouth gear while playing sports

  • Getting your teeth cleaned at least twice a year


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions we get about root canal procedures.


Is a root canal painful?

Contrary to popular belief, root canal therapy isn’t a painful treatment. Most patients feel little to nothing during the procedure. Plus, at Dr. Crapo & Associates, we offer local anesthetic and IV sedation, if necessary.


How long does a root canal procedure take?

On average, a root canal takes about 30 to 90 minutes to complete. However, more advanced infections can take two appointments.


Is root canal therapy better than tooth extraction?

In most cases, root canal therapy is a more effective and less invasive option to treat an infected tooth than an extraction. Plus, with advances in dental technology, root canals are more comfortable and less time-consuming than ever.


Can I drink and eat normally after root canal therapy?

You should try to avoid eating or drinking anything until the numbness from the anesthetic has completely worn off. This usually takes a few hours. Moreover, for the first few days after your root canal, you should stick to soft foods, such as scrambled eggs and mashed potatoes, to avoid irritation and allow your mouth to recover.


Is root canal therapy covered by dental insurance?

Root canal therapy is generally covered by third-party dental insurance. Most 80/20 co-payment plans, which cover basic procedures such as X-rays, cleaning, fillings and root canals, can help make the treatment more affordable.


Root canal therapy in Victoria

Root canal therapy is a safe and effective treatment that can provide long-lasting benefits for your oral health and overall quality of life. If you’re experiencing tooth pain or have concerns about your dental health, don’t hesitate to contact the team at Dr. Crapo & Associates. We believe that everyone deserves a healthy and happy smile, and we’re committed to working with you to ensure that you receive the best possible care.


Anxiety dentistry

Lynn was referred to Dr. Crapo by friends who told her she could experience truly comfortable dentistry. Like so many other patients, she never enjoyed her trips to the dentist. Now, she arrives at our office feeling relaxed thanks to IV sedation.

“It was very simple. Obviously, very painless. I liked the fact that it was quick… you come out a little groggy, but what I like is there’s no sensation of being frozen. It’s just a great way to go through dental treatments… I’ve been to several dentists over the years, and I think Dr. Crapo is the best.”

- Lynn

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