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Too Good To Be True?

Close-up human denture of the upper jaw on a blue background in the hand of a dentist wearing a medical glove

Q: Dr. Crapo: I’m 39 years old. In my life I’ve had trouble with my teeth from the moment they came in. I have five teeth left on top and only three are working because the other two don’t have anything to chew against on the bottom.

I’ve got a partial denture for the top but I hate taking it in and out and I’m afraid I’m going to cough and lose it or be really embarrassed.

One of the two remaining eyeteeth is starting to get loose, so it is only a matter of time before it goes. I’ve read about teeth in a day and that sounds great but is it for real?

I have a great aunt who has worn dentures for over 40 years. We’ve talked about teeth and she always says “gettem out dear, then you’ll have no more pain or upset”.

When I remind her that she complains all the time about hers being too loose, or she can’t finish her meal with the rest of us, she just shrugs it off. When I mentioned teeth in a day to her she got irate and said that it was a scam. She said it was impossible to have my remaining teeth pulled and then have teeth put in that wouldn’t come out. She went on and on about how I’d be sorry and that I shouldn’t be taken in. She said it made her angry that dentists would get people’s hopes up only to have them dashed. She was so upset I thought I’d better get more information before I did anything. In a way it does sound too good to be true, is it?

A: “Teeth-in-a-Day” is a procedure that was developed about 10 years ago by a dental surgeon in Spain. His pioneering of the procedure has lead hundreds of dental surgeons/dentists to duplicate his procedures. Dental implant companies have followed in manufacturing the precise instruments, implants and special attachments to make it possible.

The idea grew out of a desire to ascertain if implants could be put in such a way as to eliminate the need to graft bone (the normal procedure).

At about this same time, many implant companies were testing to see if the tightness of the fit of the implant in the bone at the time of surgery, would allow the dentist to fix teeth to the implant more quickly. New implant designs along with new surface textures of the implants were developed. The result was that the tightness values, surface textures, and new coupling components were developed with the result that predictability and longevity has been achieved.

We perform this service every month and can verify that it not only works but gives wonderful service and long lasting value.

What seemed impossible is an everyday occurrence.

If we can help, we’d like to. Call 778-410-2080 for a consultation or visit us today.

Based on actual patient cases

 Calvin Ross Crapo



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